Rainbow Roses
Give your Skater a bouquet of 3 rainbow Roses with florist choice filler flowers and greens! You can add 3 roses to make it a half dozen for $34.99. Also add some twinkle lights for some extra flare for $4.00
Place your order online and someone will be in touch within 24 hrs to confirm your order! We will have the flowers you ordered ready for you at the skating carnival! March 9th at the Embro Arena!
Please call if you have any questions or if you do not hear from someone within 24hrs!
We are an event florist located in Embro! We also do everyday flowers for birthdays, anniversary's, sympathy and thinking of you flowers!
Be sure to follow us of social media! @sugarbloomfloral
Here is our instagram link https://www.instagram.com/sugarbloomfloral/